I’ve been writing my whole life. It started with, well, letters to Dan Fogelberg, to be honest. That man was deep. He really got it. I’ve taken writing classes at the University of Iowa, many workshops at the University of Iowa Summer Writing Festival and Redbird Studio in Milwaukee. I admire and stalk many excellent authors.
I’ve been published in newspapers, magazines and a poetry book. I’ve had two year-long stints as a columnist, which ended when each magazine folded due to the economy. (I’d like to think it wasn’t because of me, although my dad is quick to point out that I have buried two publications). I love writing about health and fitness. I also enjoy writing feature stories about people I’ve interviewed. This could be due to the fact that I’m just plain nosy, but again, I’d like to think it’s because I love feeling connected to other human beings. I like to discover people, what makes us tick, what shapes our view of the world. We’re all just doing the best we can, and most of us are really very interesting.
I grew up in Omaha Nebraska, but now live right outside of Madison, Wisconsin, where my hubby and I are raising two ebullient boys. And in case you wondered: Dan Fogelberg never did answer me back.